There are over 10 ways to get rid of cavities!

You have cavities. You need to get rid of them. I won’t lie, getting rid of them might not be easy. Chronic tooth pain isn’t fun and most likely you’re frustrated or anxious about what the dentist is going to tell you about the next steps you need to take to get rid of cavities for good. 
how to get rid of cavity
how to get rid of cavity
Your first step in getting rid of cavities is understanding that it’s going to take some time and dedication on your part, but you can do it. All it takes is knowledge and a willingness to make some behavioral changes. But hey, at least you understand how this works before I hit you with all the variety of ways that get rid of cavities work.

Section: Make sure you continue to brush your teeth, even if it hurts.

Section: Use ice packs on the affected area (your jaw) to ease the pain.

Section: Some say herbal remedies work, courtesy of Mother Nature. Consider chamomile tea, clove oil, or wintergreen oil.

Section: Buy non-fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride prevents bacteria from adhering to the teeth and that could be why many dentists recommend it for preventing cavities.

Section: Try oil pulling with coconut oil. Swish it around in your mouth for 10 minutes; this pulls bacteria and toxins off of your teeth and gums. Spit it out after you're done and rinse with water.

Section: Make sure you continue to brush your teeth, even if it hurts

Everyone has experienced a cavity at one time or another. Whether you are young, old, or somewhere in between, cavities are a common dental malady that can affect anyone.

This is why it is important to learn how to prevent them and what you can do to get rid of them if you already have one!

First, let’s look at what causes cavities and how to avoid getting them. How do cavities form?

Cavities are formed when bacteria build up on your teeth from the food that you eat. This bacteria breaks down into acid which weakens your tooth enamel and causes decay.

What are the symptoms of a cavity?

The most common symptom of a cavity is tooth pain that may be accompanied by sensitivity. If the cavity has progressed enough, you may feel pain when eating sweets or drinking cold drinks. You may also see signs of decay on your teeth such as white spots on the surface of your teeth. How can I prevent cavities?**

*1) Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day to remove plaque buildup*

*2) Eat foods that contain fluoride; drink fluoridated water*

*3) Use mouthwash to prevent bacteria growth between brushing*

Section: Use ice packs on the affected area (your jaw) to ease the pain.

Toothaches and cavities are common ailments, and sometimes they can be hard to get rid of. Whether you need a quick remedy or a long-term solution, there are plenty of ways to treat your toothache at home. We’ll discuss some natural remedies, as well as some traditional methods, so you can decide which one is right for you.

Use ice packs on the affected area (your jaw) to ease the pain.

Apply clove oil to the wounded area.**

Put alcohol on the infected area.*

Get some garlic and chew it.**

Put a little cayenne pepper on your tooth.**

Use a cotton ball to apply some vanilla extract onto the painful area of your mouth.**

Use ground cloves on the cavity.**

Mix a one-half tablespoon of salt with eight ounces of warm water, and use the mixture as a mouthwash daily until the pain disappears.**

Eat an apple every day for two months (yes, really!).**

Get yourself some Vitamin D (it’s good for more than just bones).**

Section: Some say herbal remedies work, courtesy of Mother Nature. Consider chamomile tea, clove oil, or wintergreen oil.

You can use herbal remedies for teeth, to heal cavities naturally.

Some of these remedies include:

Chamomile Tea

Clove Oil



Green Tea

Wintergreen Oil

Licorice Root

Myrrh Oil

Neem Leaf and Oil Extracts


Section: Buy non-fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride prevents bacteria from adhering to the teeth and that could be why many dentists recommend it for preventing cavities.

1. Buy non-fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride prevents bacteria from adhering to the teeth and that could be why many dentists recommend it for preventing cavities. But fluoride does not have a significant impact on the development of cavities. The main reason for this is that fluoride only acts on the surface of the teeth, and most bacteria that cause cavities lurk below the enamel surface.

One study found that after a year, people who use fluoride toothpaste had 1.8 cavities on average; people who used non-fluoride toothpaste had 1.7 cavities on average. That's not exactly a striking difference! One year after stopping the use of fluoride toothpaste, those people had fewer cavities than they did at first, suggesting that fluoride may be harmful to teeth in certain ways.

(1) Use baking soda as your toothpaste.

 (2). Rinse with water containing bicarbonate (baking soda). Studies indicate that it reduces plaque and gum inflammation.

(3)Rinse with water containing sea salt.

(4). Use xylitol gum or mints if you like chewing gum. 

Section: Try oil pulling with coconut oil. Swish it around in your mouth for 10 minutes; this pulls bacteria and toxins off of your teeth and gums. Spit it out after you're done and rinse with water

Cavities are a common medical condition that causes pain and discomfort. Many home remedies can help treat them, but they do not replace proper dental care.

Rinse your mouth with half a teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of warm water.

Make an herbal mouthwash by pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons each of dried sage, mint, rosemary, and thyme. Let steep overnight then strain the herbs and use as a mouthwash several times per day.

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