6 Easy Steps to Recovering from Back Pain

I’ve written about this topic before here and I’m going to do it again here. It is not the most exciting topic, but it is a good example of how simple things can lead to big changes in the quality of our lives.

Recovering from Back Pain
 Recovering from Back Pain
In that post, I wrote that:

…the better we can relax and focus on the things that matter, the easier it is for our minds to stay clear and alert when we have low back pain.

It turns out that this is also true for other kinds of pain too! For me, having lower back pain was a constant quandary. The problem was that I completely lacked the tools to deal with it. Most people with chronic lower back pain have very similar problems: they find it difficult to concentrate in any way. However, it turns out that having good concentration skills isn’t all about being physically fit and having “good posture” — which many people assume when they hear the word “lower back pain” (I get asked by doctors if my lower back pain comes from bad posture). Fortunately, there are some simple exercises for getting better at concentrating (and feeling relaxed) after lower back pain has started, which you can read more about here.

An important part of this process is thinking about what causes your lower back pain in the first place. You may not even know! My body had been suffering from similar symptoms since I was a teenager, a condition that had led to sadness and worry. This condition made me very susceptible to all kinds of stressors — both physical (like when you get stuck in traffic or on a train or plane) and non-physical (like when you are using lawnmower software or playing football or playing piano). Nowadays, after years of trying to do everything in moderation — including doing everything myself — I am finally getting better at relaxing and focusing on the things that matter!


2-The first step to better work-life balance is to pick your priorities

3-Step one is to mindfully choose your priorities

4-Step two is to consistently review those priorities

5-Step three is to judge each task by how well it fits with your priorities

6. Step four is to eliminate

1. Introduction

I’m not the kind of person who makes health a priority. This is probably because I’ve never really had back pain or wasn’t bothered by it in the first place.

Back pain is an ailment that afflicts many people, with different causes and symptoms. There are different types of back pain affecting different parts of the body – see below.

The most common form of back pain is referred to as lower back pain, although we often forget that we have a lower back at all times. The most common causes are related to poor posture, especially in the standing position and using chairs or computer desks. The most common cause of lower back pain is osteoporosis (loss of bone density), which affects about 10% of people in their mid-50s but contributes to about 80% of people above 50 years old.

Back pain can be a problem for a lot more than just your lower back. It can affect your knees, hips, abdomen, and shoulders as well as your legs and feet.

Other potential causes include:

Heart disease

Stress & anxiety

Infection & inflammation

Loss or injury to other muscles & joints (tendinitis)

Repetitive motion injury (back spasms)

High blood pressure & blood vessel problems (poly pharmacy)

Cardiovascular disease (heart failure)

Diabetes & high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)

Sleep disorders including sleep apnea syndrome

Smoking habits, alcohol use, chronic stress & anxiety, and other health conditions. If you’re having any type of persistent lower back pain, you should consult a doctor immediately. If you’re experiencing lower back pain from any cause under 40 years old, you need to make sure that you get proper treatment on it now!

2. The first step to better work-life balance is to pick your priorities

At this point, you’re all set to start your busy work-life. You’ve checked your email and seen interesting messages from friends, colleagues, and family. You’ve had a few cups of coffee with your coworkers, but you still feel like you have no energy to do anything else. And even if you sit down for a break or two during the day, how much time are you spending doing something productive?

Take a moment to think about it. Many people get their work done by just sitting there at their desks, staring at the computer screen. I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy that feeling of suffocation when I can think of another way to spend my time. It is preferable to get up and move around.

Because it takes less time than sitting there doing nothing in front of the computer screen (let alone some boring work) I suggest that as a first step in improving your productivity, try one of these five easy steps:

1) When in doubt…do something with your hands!

2) Play an instrument!

3) Read something!

4) Watch a movie or TV show while at home on my laptop!

5) Go for a long walk before heading back to my desk!

I hope this simple exercise will help improve your productivity and increase your energy levels . . . so that more meaningful things can be accomplished around the office 🙂

3. Step one is to mindfully choose your priorities

Back pain is a major epidemic. It affects every age, every gender, and every nationality. Most people are unaware that back pain can be caused by anything other than an acute injury.

Because it’s a widespread problem, there are many effective techniques to help you cope with it. Including:

-Causes of Back Pain

However, all of these techniques are not equal and each may require different approaches from you to get you through the day. This will vary from person to person and depending on the severity of your back pain.

So, here is a list of five easy steps for recovering from lower back pain in 5 easy steps:

1. Mindfully choose your priorities:

2. Lower Back Pain Exercises for Better Mobility:

3. Lower Back Pain Left Side Exercise for Better Mobility:

4. Lower Back Pain Right Side Exercises for Better Mobility:

5. Physical Therapy Exercises for Better Mobility:  (L2/L3)  (L4/L5)  (Iliac / Thoracic)  (Psoas / Hip Imbalances) The above exercises are just a small sample of many great lower back exercises that can help you recover better mobility! You should do these exercises at least 3 times per week during your recovery process to optimize your health and maintain good posture long-term! You also need to stay physically active while doing these exercises because they strengthen your core muscles which will help maintain proper posture after any kind of physical activity or injury! Please have a look at my new book, "How To Regenerate From Lower Back Pain - The Complete Guide." It has everything you need for healing lower back pain including safe exercise movements, safe exercises for any kind of injury, common side effects & symptoms that occur when doing certain exercises, how to heal lower back pain naturally with homeopathy, self-improvement tips & much more!

4. Step two is to consistently review those priorities

Exercise. Exercise is a simple, yet proven way to relieve back pain.

As you know, exercise is great for your brain, your body, and your health in general. Exercise can help you sleep better, remain healthy, reduce anxiety, and get rid of that "thinking" of being overtired. However, it often goes unnoticed that exercise also makes your back pain worse. If you are experiencing lower back pain (LBP), I strongly urge you to take the next step and review those priorities that were put aside after realizing that exercise may be the cause for your LBP.

5. Step three is to judge each task by how well it fits with your priorities

Back pain is a common problem. At work perhaps at home, the most prevalent complaint is "lower back pain."

Luckily, there are ways to stop back pain before it starts. It's no secret that the lower back and hips can be painful when working at a desk. But, there are several exercises you can do to relieve pressure on your lower back from sitting too long or standing for an extended period.

Lower Back Pain Exercises:  - Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and shoulders relaxed.   - Lift your hips.  - Maintain a stable base, and slowly push forward with your hips and knees.  - Press your hips down as far as you can go.   - Release slowly and repeat up to three sets of 15 reps per side (when you get stronger).

The purpose of this exercise is not just to protect your lower back; it also helps strengthen the muscles that support the spine. A few more things to remember are: 1) doing these exercises can be quite beneficial if you suffer from low back pain, 2) they should only be done on a flat surface, 3) all exercises should be performed slowly, 4) use a stability ball to prevent injury while doing this exercise 5) hold each rep for 30 seconds before moving on (to give yourself enough time to recover), 6) perform each repetition without resting in between repetitions. When performing lower back exercises, always start with slow movements and progress through the movement slowly until you have reached the point where you feel no resistance in any part of your body or when movements become difficult for you to complete. Do not perform squats or other exercises that require tremendous strength in your legs by holding them straight out from your body or bending at the knees."

6. Step four is to eliminate

There are a lot of exercises that claim to relieve lower back pain. However, none of them work. The truth is that all the exercises you see on the internet, even those that claim to alleviate lower back pain, do not work. The reason they don’t work is that they cause unnecessary discomfort and stress on your body.

When we try to exercise our body to improve it, we are likely to risk pushing ourselves too far and putting too much strain on our bodies. We should stop pushing ourselves when we feel like we’re about to explode. It is much better for us if we allow our bodies to recover from this exercise before starting another one.

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