Here Are 6 Do-It-Yourself Home Remedies for Female Pattern Baldness

While Female pattern baldness is largely a genetic condition, there are some useful do-it-yourself home remedies to treat it. They may help you avoid painful, expensive, and harmful medical treatments that fail to produce quality results for most people. First, let's see what causes female hair loss.
female pattern baldness in 20s,
 Here Are 7 Do-It-Yourself Home Remedies for Female Pattern Baldness

 Section: Trichotillomania

Section: Stress

Section: Autoimmune diseases

Section: Hormonal imbalance

Section: A person's family history

Section: Nutritional deficiency

Takeaway: There are many causes of female hair loss, but some of the best home remedies for it include essential oils, herbs, and vitamins.


Trichotillomania is a mental disease in which you have repeated, irrepressible cravings to pull hair out of your scalp, brows, or other parts of your body, despite your best efforts to stop.

If you have trichotillomania, you may chronically pull out your hair when you're feeling bored, stressed, anxious or tired. Once the hair is pulled out, some people feel relief and pleasure — almost as if they'd completed a task that needed to be finished.

Trichotillomania often results in noticeable bald patches and significant distress. Treatment for trichotillomania may include behavior modification therapy and antidepressant medications.


Stress is one of the biggest causes of hair fall, but it’s important to understand that not all stress is created equal.

There are two types of hair loss caused by stress: telogen effluvium and alopecia areata.

Telogen effluvium is a condition where more hair follicles than normal enter the resting phase, causing noticeable hair loss. This can occur after a stressful event or period in your life and can also occur if you experience a sudden change in diet. It will usually get better after you’ve had time to recover from the stress or have adjusted to your new diet.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks itself, causing some of your hair follicles to become dormant. If you notice circular patches on your scalp or other areas of the body, you may have this condition. It’s common for people who have this condition to notice increased shedding around three months after a stressful event occurs.

 Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are conditions that happen when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. The hair loss associated with autoimmune diseases is usually diffuse, or widespread, and may be accompanied by scaling, inflammation, and itching.

The most common form of hair loss in women is female pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia). This form of hair loss can begin as early as puberty or develop later in life. In the U. S., it hits about 30 million women.

Hair loss from female pattern baldness does not occur overnight but is a gradual process. The rate of hair loss may vary over time, or it may remain constant for years before advancing to the later stages.

 Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is one of the main causes of hair fall in both men and women. Several hormones are responsible for proper hair growth. Any kind of disturbance in the hormonal level can lead to hair loss.

Hair follicles require certain hormones to grow normally. If these hormones are disturbed it will cause hair fall.

Some of the hormones which affect hair growth are:

Estrogen: Estrogen is produced by the ovaries in females and helps in hair growth. Estrogen also helps in thickening the hair shaft, increasing moisture, and improving blood supply to the scalp. Low levels of estrogen result in thinning of hairs and consequently cause hair fall.

Testosterone: Testosterone is required for the normal growth of the body and facial hairs in men. However, an excess of this hormone leads to baldness in men.

A person's family history

When it comes to women's hair loss, there are two main culprits: genetics and hormones. Many women find that their hair thins quite dramatically after they give birth. This is because their body sheds the extra hair that was created while they were pregnant. Other women experience hair loss due to hereditary conditions such as alopecia.

Many women experience some degree of hair thinning as they age, but it is less common for women to go completely bald than men. Some women may simply notice that their ponytail is thinner on one side than the other. If this is the case, they should see a doctor rule out any underlying medical conditions.

 Nutritional deficiency

Though genetic factors are at play, a nutritional imbalance is the main driver of hair loss. A well-balanced diet with enough protein and iron can address this problem.

"Our hair is made up of amino acids, which are protein building blocks, so eating a protein-rich diet will help promote hair growth," explains nutrition consultant Mitali Madhukalya. "Vitamin B-rich foods, such as eggs, almonds, salmon, and spinach, help to support healthy hair development." Vegetarians might consider taking iron supplements as a complement to their diet to avoid anemia.

Takeaway: There are many causes of female hair loss, but some of the best home remedies for it include essential oils, herbs, and vitamins

Tens of millions of women suffer from hair loss, but many of them don't even realize it. Hair loss is usually gradual, and at first, it may seem like nothing more than a little extra hair left behind in the shower or on a brush.

Hair loss is caused by a variety of factors including genetics, inflammation, and environmental stressors, such as heat styling and too much sun exposure. The condition affects more than 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States alone.

There are several options to treat female hair loss including home remedies, medications, and surgical procedures. However, not all treatments work for every type of hair loss. This article will examine some of the best home remedies for female hair loss that you can try right now in the comfort of your own home.


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