Apple Cider Vinegar: The 7 Healthiest Things You Can Do With

If you haven’t heard of apple cider vinegar, you might not be as healthy as you think.

For many people, the idea of drinking it is a bit intimidating — after all, it tastes like plain vinegar. But in reality, it’s packed with health benefits.

apple cider vinegar uses
Apple cider vinegar benefits

We’ve talked about apple cider vinegar before: its powerful acidity can help cut the calories in our bodies; that helps us shed those pounds. And we also talk about the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar when we talk about vinegar in general: it can help reduce high blood pressure and aid digestion; however, for those with an autoimmune disease like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, its antibacterial properties are no good.

But why is all this important? Because even though apple cider vinegar is pretty tasty (I mean who doesn’t love a little tang in their food?), there are real health benefits to drinking only what we put in our mouths (or should we say: liquids?). Here are a few reasons why you should drink apple cider vinegar every day.

1. Intro

2. Making  Apple Cider Vinegar At Home

3. The Many Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

4. Apple Cider Vinegar's Health Benefits

5. Where to Find Apple Cider Vinegar

6. Conclusion

1. Intro

I’m not a fan of commercial advertising, but this is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time:

I was at a conference last week sponsored by the Apple Health and Fitness initiative, which wanted to show off their new health-tracking app. But it didn’t work as advertised (and it looks like it doesn’t work very well).

It wasn’t just that it didn’t work; I don’t expect any app that claims to track your health to do so on its first go. People are too lazy to give up their phones/tablets for an app that doesn’t work well (or at all) the first time.

But what I did expect was for them to have had some pretty good marketing done for this sort of product, and for them to have done a good job persuading people that they should give up their phones and use their fitness equipment.

They did not do either. They spent most of their marketing effort trying to convince people not to use the app! Even if they had succeeded, they failed because they tried so hard against a wall of skepticism with no success.

2. Making  Apple Cider Vinegar At Home

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest and most versatile foods on the planet.

It has been used for hundreds of years by different cultures as a means to treat a variety of ailments, from arthritis to cancer. It is effective in treating indigestion, acne, and colds. Apple cider vinegar has also shown great potential in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Most importantly, it works on any kind of illness which can be due to a deficiency in nutrients or lack of a proper diet.

For those who wish to possess apple cider vinegar at home, they can make it at home by following this simple recipe:

1 Litre (1/2 gallon) of water

1 tbsp each: Apple Cider Vinegar(Apple Cider Vinegar is known as ACV), Lemon Juice(Lemon juice is best), and Honey(Honey is best)

After adding all these ingredients together you need to leave it for 24 hours. You will then have your apple cider vinegar which you can use in cooking or drink on its own.

The raw ingredients for this recipe are very easy to find and thus an instant success without much effort. All that’s required is a sufficient amount of room, space, and the ability to store it properly since it needs proper air circulation inside the bottles.  The containers chosen should be large enough so that you don't have any problems storing them or transporting them easily since they are around 16 liters (3 gallons). You need special bottles made specifically for making apple cider vinegar as these do not work well at all when stored for long periods as they get damaged easily due to their poor insulation quality (they leak when exposed to humidity). The bottles should be large enough so that you don't have any problems storing them or transporting them easily, though not too big that you have difficulty lifting the bottle off your shelf. If you want more information about how to make apple cider vinegar at home.

3. The Many Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a great substance to have in your kitchen. ACV is a naturally occurring fermented product and has many different uses.

In this post, I’ll share some of the more interesting and useful things you can do with ACV.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar's Health Benefits

There are a lot of benefits to drinking apple cider vinegar (ACV).

This is an excerpt from the book: The 7 Healthiest Things You Can Do With Apple Cider Vinegar.

It’s not a book about health, but it is an excellent introduction to the health benefits of ACV. The seven main ones are:

1. ACV helps your body fight off cancer and stave off other diseases. It can help prevent all kinds of illnesses — not just cancer. For example, studies have shown that apple cider vinegar has anticancer effects on colon cancer and esophageal cell cancer cells, helping them stop growing and get better.

2. ACV may also help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, and some types of diabetes by lowering your cholesterol levels and sugar levels in your blood (it's been shown to lower triglycerides) and keeping your insulin levels stable when you eat too much sugar or don't eat enough protein (the biggest risk factor for type 2 diabetes). And it probably has other effects on your cardiovascular system as well, like slowing blood clotting and improving the way your body handles cholesterol in the blood.

3. ACV may help you deal with depression — especially for people who suffer from chronic stress because they're so easily overwhelmed by negative stimuli in life. It can also help with anxiety attacks, helping you cope with situations that could be overwhelming if you feel like panic or fear is setting in.

4. It boosts energy levels after you work out, improving overall stamina and mental alertness for longer periods than many products that claim to increase energy levels (including caffeine). It may also help decrease fatigue after working out as well — so even if exercise doesn't get you through the day, at least it's better than sitting around waiting for someone else to do it!

5. It may also have anti-bacterial properties, helping keep bacteria away from your skin and gut while you sleep. Studies have proven that apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties against both Staphylococcus aureus (a major cause of infections) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (another common cause of infections), both serious pathogens in many cases of sore throat or sinus problems — making this a great product for treating such conditions!

5. Where to Find Apple Cider Vinegar

There is a lot of buzzes lately about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, and no doubt there are many people who have heard of it. (It’s probably one of the first things people say when they ask about your business!) But where does it come from? How does it work? What do you do with it?

In this post on his blog, Apple Cider Vinegar founder David Dobs answers these questions and more. You can read this entire post for free, including recipes, health benefits, and what to do with apple cider vinegar after using it.

6. Conclusion

Apple Cider Vinegar is traditionally associated with health properties, but there is a lot of confusion surrounding its benefits. So, here are seven of the most important things you should know about this wonderful product.

1. Apple cider vinegar has been used since ancient times to promote health and prevent disease. It’s rich in macrobiotics, which increases the body’s ability to produce healthy gut flora.

2. Apple cider vinegar may also help boost your immune system and speed up healing processes that can be triggered by a variety of conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and asthma.


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